Message for my boys


I am writing this with the hope that oneday when you both grow up enough to be able to read your own, you will know how much you both mean to me.
 On many days, I feel like I have been hit in the abdomen with a shovel, such intense feeling of love it is to have you both in my life. You fill my life with these tiny little mamma-sons moments. 
Until you both, I never knew someone's smile would melt my heart when I am upset.
I never knew someone's hug would comfort my soul so much.
Each day I watch you both grow stronger, bigger and more understanding.  I fear that these moments with you, my boys, would be gone before I know it .Yet I cannot stop you from growing up and exploring the world.
My boys , I want you dream big, move mountains, question everything, be an independent men who would be known for their intelligence and sensitiveness, be responsible and above all a man of faith and who would walk the talk.
I want you both to know that I am not a perfect person and would never be but with all my imperfections, I would still give my heart and that I will protect no matter what comes my way.
Riri, you thought me so much about love and still does when you would randomly come and give me a tight hug and kiss claiming "am yours alone".
Ronron, though you are too small to even know what you do, yet from the day you were born, it was you who taught me to be more courageous, have more faith and that Prayers does it all. 
You made me feel like a winner everytime I look at your face.
You both would always be my heartbeat.
Love ,


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