Beyond the hyphens
Years into marriage, and I'm still asked why I kept my maiden name. My husband's response to those who questioned it?
"A wife doesn't come from nowhere; she belongs somewhere,and it should be respected."
My maiden name represents my ancestry and the reputation I've built.
Why must I surrender it because I married ?
I wasn't a "distressed damsel" in need of rescue; I was a woman with my own history and identity, equally important as my husband's.
So why is mine presumed invisible?
Preserving my family name is crucial, as it would have ended with my generation. My grandparents had sons, who passed on their name to the next generation. I want to honor my lineage, just as my husband honors his.
I don’t expect my husband to move his last name or to hyphenate his last name with mine.
To those who choose to take their spouse's last name, we proudly celebrate your decision. It's a personal choice that deserves respect.
However, to those who feel pressured to change: choose again. Your name, your identity, your choice.
Remember marriage is a union of equals, not a loss of self.
The decision to change or keep your last name is yours alone. Make it with confidence, self-love, and a deep understanding of your own identity.
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