The Forgotten__an ancient tale retold.

THE FORGOTTEN _an ancient tale retold.

THE FORGOTTEN _an ancient tale retold.

A Story by lichanbeni

An oral traditional story I once heard.

Every evening the young son comes back home from the Morung (Chumpo) shouting grumpily to his father and tells him that the men-folks at the morung were gossip mongering of him and were criticizing him. 
The son gets peeved to hear his father as the "talk of the village". 
Days passed through but for his father was still the talk. 
Each day he comes back and narrates the "whole-hog" to his father who calmly listens with a smile. 
Gradually, the squeaky-wheel began to squeak lesser than yester- week. 
The father began to wait for his son's return and inquired if he was apart of any discussion. And the son almost contentedly answers back that nothing much of him was picked. 
Days passed through and little was heard and less complains and lesser to no more . 
One day he asked his son, " was my name picked by anyone today?" 
The son replied, "None said a thing about you today". 
The man sighs in agony and with his hands on the forehead lamented in anguish, "Oh! that is unpleasant". 
That confused the son to ask him why he was so dis-heartened. 
The man uttered sadly, "That will mean people have forgotten me". 

"When people have got to say things about you, be it interestingly good or unpleasantly evil. People knows you are there. Its you to be wise enough being an optimist in all things you do and could do".


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