
Showing posts from May, 2021

Waffles and Spaghetti

  Men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti Take a close look at a waffle; it is just a collection of boxes separated by walls.  The boxes are separated distinctly from each other and make a convenient holding place. This is typically how men divide thoughts and process life into boxes that have rooms for one issue and one issue only. They live in one box at a time and one box only. When he is at work, he is at work. When he is watching Tv, he is simply watching TV. While women in contrast to men’s waffle-like approach, process life more like a plate of spaghetti Like spaghettis, there are lots of individual noodles that all touch one another, if one noodle is to be followed, we might intersect a lot more other noodles or we might even switch to another noodle seamlessly. This is why women are great at multi-tasking than men. She really can be on the phone and make a shopping list at the same time. She can prepare meal while work on the plans for tomorrow and also clos...

In Memoriam

 In memoriam As the eldest daughter in-law, I would feel incomplete if I do not pen down and testify about my beloved Ano's(Mother-in-law) life . A remarkable woman who fondly loved children and selflessly gave to everyone.  Her  battle with congestive heart disease for over a decade ended on May 10, 2021. She was only my mother-in-law for a short five years one month.  And in this short journey, she just owned me like her daughter. She never called me by name.   She taught us that nomatter how hard life maybe on you, smile it away. Rishon has been asking us where his 'atsu' has gone. I told him, 'atsu' is with Jesus now.  He is too young to express his emotions nor do he understands the loss but he is searching for you to whisper "noodles" in your ears. I remember how after his whispers, you would sneak in his aunt's noodles box and allow him.  Yet, this little man did sum up saying that you are now with Jesus up in the clouds. The way you called...

Message for my boys

  I am writing this with the hope that oneday when you both grow up enough to be able to read your own, you will know how much you both mean to me.  On many days, I feel like I have been hit in the abdomen with a shovel, such intense feeling of love it is to have you both in my life. You fill my life with these tiny little mamma-sons moments.  Until you both, I never knew someone's smile would melt my heart when I am upset. I never knew someone's hug would comfort my soul so much. Each day I watch you both grow stronger, bigger and more understanding.  I fear that these moments with you, my boys, would be gone before I know it .Yet I cannot stop you from growing up and exploring the world. My boys , I want you dream big, move mountains, question everything, be an independent men who would be known for their intelligence and sensitiveness, be responsible and above all a man of faith and who would walk the talk. I want you both to know that I am not a perfect person an...