Message for the most awaited cherub

My dear cherub,

You have no idea how excited we are to meet you finally.
Thank God, you are almost here and we cannot wait any longer.
Your dad and I have been waiting for you for the past long months and very soon we’ll get to see you, touch you, talk to you and gaze into your beautiful eyes. I’m especially waiting to hold you in my arms, nuzzling your sweet smelling head. Your daddy could not wait, his efforts to keep me happy makes this journey a lot at ease, everything feels better when he is around. From running the errands till to making us a glass of chilled juice from the kitchen , although he stirred the ice cubes in the juice and gave us because he thought you will catch cold in there. He never complains nor get tired of getting the things we want though he makes plunders at times in his naive efforts . He would get us many things and I would end up watching him devour the cookies and goodies he brought for us but that's the fun part. I’ve been preparing for motherhood since long but the feelings that you give me now is a whole lot different than what I have always imagined being a mother one day.  We are preparing our hearts with prayers to be a good parent, to help you learn and grow up in God’s love, and to be the best example to others. Taking care of you and teaching you how to take good care of yourself sounds like the most fun and rewarding thing I could possibly do in my life. Thanks for helping me fulfill my life’s purpose.
Just wait ‘till you meet your dad in person.’  He is an amazing person.  I just know he is going to be such a wonderful father to you. When I was choosing a husband I decided to choose the man with the biggest, most beautiful heart I could find and that is your dad. When you were still 6-7 months inside me, he made sure to talk to you every day and I am sure you must have felt him when he told you how much he loves you. He would hold on to us and pray for us every night before he goes to sleep. He loves so truly, cares so deeply, and shares himself so openly.  I love his honesty and the way he has trouble keeping a secret, even when it is a fun surprise.  I completely trust him to take exquisite care of all of our hearts, which is really the most important task of all. I am praying that one day you will grow up stepping into his footprints and be like him.
And on top of all that, he is hilarious! So funny at times,I promise he will always make us smile. With your daddy in our lives, we are sure to have lots and lots of laughter and fun.
Your aunt’s and grandma keep telling me that you are “one blessed baby” and I totally agree to it. I have always thought of myself as one of the luckiest people on earth having your daddy with me. And I’m so happy to pass on my good fortune and blessings to you. In fact, there is no one else rather than you, my baby, who I will bless with endless good luck and the ability to appreciate and to be thankful to God for the gift of life and family.
One of my deepest hopes is that we can always share openly with each other, no matter what is happening, you know you can always come to us, share whatever is in your heart and we’ll always love you no matter what.  There may be times when we may not like each other very much, but even then, please know that we love you dearly, deeply, and without conditions.  And even in times when you think you don’t, we’ll remember that you love us too.  Because that’s how it is in our family, we practice unconditional love and acceptance and forgiveness no matter what the circumstances are.
So, welcome to life on Earth , and welcome to your family very soon. May you be surrounded by love, inspired to learn and grow in and with it, and always know that you are the best ‘gift to us’ by God and that we deeply cherished you.

Will be in love with you forever,

Your Mom


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