A homemaker and not a housewife
In one of the conference I attended to cover a feature story some years ago, there was this young well-educated man who took to stage to showcase one of his innovation on kitchen appliance and his hook was the word “Made easy for house wives.” When he repeatedly hooked the word “house wives”, I thought, he could have used a better choice of words. Since it was unpleasant to my ears. The two different words implies the same person, yet it has a huge line of difference in addressing. Then, there was this wise lady who manages one of the famous women weavers group of the state walked up the dais, all composed and she smilingly said, “let me correct this first.” “Young man, they are home-makers not house wives, you see!” she said. The audience cheered and applauded her. It boosted my notion of how I have always had this corrective thought of how to address any woman who may be your mother or your wife who does or doesn’t work professionally. Just think ….the salary for ...