Letter to my one year old son
Dear Son I just could not believe my 2.9Kilo Golu is now on count 10 heavy weight category. Really time flies, and in between my busy office schedules and work, you have just grown up way too fast. I hope you get to read this one day. I always thank God for blessing me with one best son a mother could have. I do not remember any day or night you cried and became sleepless. It amazed me how calm you are in sleeping. You have been a pretty good sleeper from the start and you would definitely win gold if it was a competition. I often think that maybe God taught you well about my work before your way to our home and you compromised with it. I only remember the first two nights you cried your heart out and it was obvious because I wasn’t able to nurse you due to the pains I was going through physically. We brought you home on the 3 rd day and you had the most peaceful sleep from then on till now. A...