
Showing posts from 2018

Letter to my one year old son

Dear Son                I just could not believe my 2.9Kilo Golu is now on count 10 heavy weight category. Really time flies, and in between my busy office schedules and work, you have just grown up way too fast. I hope you get to read this one day. I always thank God for blessing me with one best son a mother could have. I do not remember any day or night you cried and became sleepless. It amazed me how calm you are in sleeping. You have been a pretty good sleeper from the start and you would definitely win gold if it was a competition. I often think that maybe God taught you well about my work before your way to our home and you compromised with it. I only remember the first two nights you cried your heart out and it was obvious because I wasn’t able to nurse you due to the pains I was going through physically. We brought you home on the 3 rd day and you had the most peaceful sleep from then on till now. A...

The Encounter_ the old scrap buyer.

It was about 2pm in the afternoon and it was an off day from work. I just finished lunch and was reclined to the sofa to watch Tv . It took me off guard as the doorbell rang and I rushed to open the door thinking it might be some of those door to door products sellers. When I opened the door, I saw no one but heard the voice of the footstep on the stairs. It sound like someone was climbing the stairs real slowly and was having an exhausting time. I shouted down in assamese (the local language) asking who was there. Then I heard someone asking me if I have any scrap to sell off. I just answered back that I have none of those scraps as I wasn’t interested in entertaining stranger. But I heard him back asking for any old newspapers.   And of course, I have piled up old newspapers just about 10 kilos all for the year. So I waited and to my surprise I saw an old man in his late 60’s. He was carrying a bamboo made bar on his shoulder to carry the old papers and also some of those old ...

Dear Son

Dear Son, I wanted to take a little time out of the chaos and hectic schedules and write you this. Being a new mom is overwhelming, and I have poured myself into that 110%. My first everything: my first son: my first child. In the years to come, I will teach you so much, but you have already taught me infinite amounts. You have taught me what it is to be a mother, to be selfless. You have taught me pure love. You have taught me that it is possible to have a piece of my heart outside of my body. I still could feel that warm love that gushed into my heart when I first saw you. You are perfect. You took my breath away and I knew that I would never view life or myself the same. I was smitten by your tiny hands and the way that you looked at me for the first time melted everything away. I was made better in a moment. I knew it that moment I would fight for you, cry for you and would die for you. I love you that much. And it might seem crazy to think that I would say those things, but it’...