I Know of One Beauty- My Mother
For all that you have given to me. With so much love and patience, discipline and tears. Casting all of your dreams into the sea. Although consumed by fury,you always loved me more than I deserve. Even before I know myself,you made me. For all you have done for me, for you bound up the wounds I cannot see. And gave me hope and passion all new. I can return not half but love with all my heart. Mother of my heart,you loved me till I turned to love. And I became the soul I would. Taking heed of neither pain nor price, love against all odds. I need your fierce,great love,and will I need ever after. I often wonder the depth of your love. I know it can’t be ‘just because’,or simply to be nice. The faith with which you mold me up,with prayers you shaped me. Your faith,my caravan. Ere love supply, the grace well earned So let...