
Showing posts from March, 2016

I Know of One Beauty- My Mother

For all that you have given to me.   With so much love and patience, discipline and tears.   Casting all of your dreams into the sea.   Although consumed by fury,you always loved me more than I deserve.   Even before I know myself,you made me.   For all you have done for me, for you bound up the wounds I cannot see.   And gave me hope and passion all new.   I can return not half but love with all my heart.   Mother of my heart,you loved me till I turned to love.   And I became the soul I would.   Taking heed of neither pain nor price, love against all odds.   I need your fierce,great love,and will I need ever after.   I often wonder the depth of your love.   I know it can’t be ‘just because’,or simply to be nice.   The faith with which you mold me up,with prayers you shaped me.  Your faith,my caravan.   Ere love supply, the grace well earned   So let...

The Dancing Pen: The Traveller's Diary

The Dancing Pen: The Traveller's Diary : It's was twenty past five in the evening,I was waiting for the arrival of the train at the first platform. Something got my eyes, as ...

The Traveller's Diary_ The man who never opt God out.

It was twenty past five in the evening, as I await for the arrival of the train at platform no 1.Something got my eyes, while I was trying to snap shot the many activities and movements in and out of the station. That day the train station didn't seem too crowded like it always have been. In one of my turn around look, I snapped a man with a taqiyah (skullcap) suddenly stopping by the corner of the platform's footpath. He started unfolding a plastic mat. Hmm..that interested me and I kept observing him from far. Then the screech of the rather long calling of "Alah" resounded from the distant masjid's (mosque) loud speaker. I did not divert my attention to anything besides this praying man at the corner of the platform. I began to count the number of times he knelt down and bowed on the ground during his prayer. On the first count, he was on his knees uttering some words and than he bowed down twice. He stood up doing the same act and knelt down t...

The Street diary

Very often I keep noticing these two mothers sitting at the rushy foot path in the city's most crowded market, selling our locally grown vegetables and some tribal eatables. I keep thinking I will definitely go and buy something from them instead of shopping in the City malls. It keep striking my mind but at the end of my office hour when I happen to go down, they'd be on their return back home. I made a point to buy something from them and interacted with them last noon. I  was told that they come from a far fetched place, hundreds of kilometer away from the city with their stuffs loaded baskets. I saw that they do not carry any lunch box with them too, they sit no matter how long it takes to sell all their goods. What touched my heart was their generosity, they sell their heavy weighing cabbages with just twenty rupees per kilo. I got three cabbages for twenty, you can just imagine how much their small baskets could carry and they are selling it off too cheaply. With what he...

The Essence of being a Woman. (A tribute to all the women)

I am a woman who believe in equity of both genders and who do not mostly agree with some of the stereotype perceptive of what and how a woman should be.  Many knows but do not feel what it takes to be a Woman. To be a Woman and to grow and evolve  is not all easy. We were always taught, almost bombarded, with ideals of what we should be at every age in our lives: "This is what you should be at sixteen", " This is what you should wear at age twenty", "That is how you must act like at age twenty-five". But amidst all these voices. I believe there is no greater comfort and assurance than a woman who believes in Her Ability. No greater success that these things for a woman to be, at any age! Whether you are six or sixteen ,nineteen or ninety! It is always wonderful to be COURAGEOUS &BRAVE. It is always fashionable to have GRACE & ELEGANCE. It is always glamorous to have SELF-RESPECT , and it is always important to own a delectable PERFUME of CONFIDENC...