
Showing posts from August, 2015

Frith: The beginning of all ends.

Fair is the face of the Almighty's given Grace, Grace in humanity form, for in humanity love abides, For love is colour-less, race-less, creed-less and enemy-less. For a sole goal to be told, united all in souls, For humanity still prevail in us all, Mavrone! I get peeved a little to see this perfectly created world shredded by greed, enmity, discrimination's and hatreds . I yawn in phantom pain. Oh! How I yearn the world's peace where wars all dissipated. Oh! How I see giant peace wave, sweeping down to devastate the walls of greed. That wave drenching in to destroy the violent thoughts. Erasing arrogance enveloping the minds. Wising leaders, softening hearts. Oh! How I yearn to see Grace God's given Grace restored in mankind. For love of humanity is the beginning of all ends. Top of Form