The Traveller's Diary_ The man who never opt God out.

It was twenty past five in the evening, as I await for the arrival of the train at platform no 1.Something got my eyes, while I was trying to snap shot the many activities and movements in and out of the station. That day the train station didn't seem too crowded like it always have been. In one of my turn around look, I snapped a man with a taqiyah (skullcap) suddenly stopping by the corner of the platform's footpath. He started unfolding a plastic mat. Hmm..that interested me and I kept observing him from far. Then the screech of the rather long calling of "Alah" resounded from the distant masjid's (mosque) loud speaker. I did not divert my attention to anything besides this praying man at the corner of the platform.
I began to count the number of times he knelt down and bowed on the ground during his prayer.
On the first count, he was on his knees uttering some words and than he bowed down twice. He stood up doing the same act and knelt down the second, third, fourth, fifth times. Repeatedly bowing down on the ground twice each times he knelt down.
It intrigued me because I have never seen a Muslim praying.
Yet on to the sixth kneeling, I began to think, isn't it too much kneeling six times with two bows and looking left and right with each bow? But I continued counting his bows.
The train arrived with a loud blow but this man have not yet finish his prayer.
He was praying so contentedly and peacefully even in the midst of so many people. He was praying for at least ten minutes even before the arrival of the train. I was amazed still and could not stop to wonder the dedication of his devotion. I kept looking at him, as he began to fold back his plastic mat at ease. He finished his prayer! And I was snapped back to the call of getting late to board the my train.
It left me with a good question about our dedication towards our God?
I know like many of us, had it been me? The first obvious thought is I might have not prayed at the train station's footpath laying my mat and kneeling down several times when my train is arriving.Thud! I might look foolish to the onlookers.
We would have deferred the prayer till the next day as we are travelling .
Or maybe we might have shorten the prayer.
Or maybe we might have not even paid heed to the call for prayer.
Such is our impatience and lack of dedication.

This scene made me realise the purity of devotion to God, no matter which God people worship.


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